Badger Watch: release notes

Here you can see some of the most prominent user-facing changes when updates are released, and any issues or problems we know about that are introduced with a release. For each update there are usually numerous changes to the internals not listed here, and assorted minor fixes and changes also not listed.

1.3.8 (stable release)

1.3.5 (stable release)

1.3.3 (development release)

Known issues introduced in 1.3.3

1.3.1 (development release)

1.3.0 (stable release)




Known issues introduced in 1.2.41




Known issues introduced in 1.2.29


Known issues introduced in 1.2.22


Known issues introduced in 1.2.19


The major advance is that the main user workflow is now complete all the way to email sending (to a test address), and after some teething problems now appears to be working on both platforms.

Also in this release:

Known issues introduced in 1.2.13


Note on skipped versions

Some versions appear to be missing above because they were used for purely internal testing. It's usually not worth going through the steps of submitting a new version to Apple and Google for approval and getting all testers to upgrade until significant functionality has been added.

In all these cases, release notes are batched so when you read about what's changed in a version, that refers to the cumulative effect of changes since the last version that was available to download.

Release notes were not logged here before v1.2.7

Page last updated 21 November 2022