Here you can see some of the most prominent user-facing changes when updates are released, and any issues or problems we know about that are introduced with a release. For each update there are usually numerous changes to the internals not listed here, and assorted minor fixes and changes also not listed.
1.3.8 (stable release)
- Overhauled saving and loading of draft reports
- Fixed screen routing issues
- Added introduction screens
- Redesigned settings, help and about screens
1.3.5 (stable release)
- Implemented location saving and loading (My Locations)
- Map interface enhancements
- Fixed checklist report building issue from 1.3.3
1.3.3 (development release)
- Fully opened up the decision tree, including poison section
- Filled in gaps in report generation for new parts of the tree
- Incorporated resposive map into 999 screen
- Fixed "locate me" logic to ensure the map zooms to the right location
- Improved show location screen to make clear when a location is not displayed and why
Known issues introduced in 1.3.3
- Report building misses out some information from the evidence checklists
1.3.1 (development release)
- Fixed evidence checklist errors
- Fixed map pin placement issues
- Toggles for development/stable releases
1.3.0 (stable release)
- This is the intial stable release without a warning notice that the app is in testing mode, for installation by a wider audience
- Overhaul of map and location pins
- Sett activity evidence checklist and general guide
- Fixed workflow for sett interference, type: other
- Fixed presentational issues with screen edges
- Improved map interface
- Fixed grid reference entry
- Integration with what3words
- Plugin upgrades and behind the scenes improvements
- Resumed working iOS builds
- Overhaul of map interface
- Accurate map pin drop and GPS centring
- Draggable map pins
Known issues introduced in 1.2.41
- GPS may not centre the map or ask for location permissions appropriately on iOS
- Fixed text size inconsistency and clipping
- New colour scheme
- Consistent menu buttons and screen layout
- Implemented draft saving and My Reports
- Implemented email copy and paste option
- Fixed images
- Fixed date input problem
- Data permissions and copy edits
- Fixed map loading errors and better map source
- Fixed and upgraded evidence checklists
- Fixed decision tree logic and report-building logic
- Added in missing images
- Completed legislation popups
- Fixed location saving and grid ref handling
- Enabled ID a sett page
- Cosmetic and text changes
Known issues introduced in 1.2.29
- Maps missing from certain screens, e.g. 999 screen
- Map pin dropping not working quite as intended
- One or two image fixes missed
- First release with map integration activated
- Evidence checklists incorporated into new part of decision tree
- Legislation popup formatting fixed
- Missing text in tree screens fixed
Known issues introduced in 1.2.22
- Pin drops on map screen may be wrongly offset from where the user actually taps
- Map tiles are not loading on some Android devices for an as yet unclear reason
- Various errors in report building from the new tree screens, which will be corrected shortly
- All but a few decision tree screens now open
- Images are now high resolution
- Name and icon changed
- Overhaul of error handling
- Rollout of legislation popups begun
Known issues introduced in 1.2.19
- A few areas of missing text in the decision tree screens
- Most legislation popups are not displaying their full content yet
The major advance is that the main user workflow is now complete all the way to email sending (to a test address), and after some teething problems now appears to be working on both platforms.
Also in this release:
- Overhaul of how reports are stored
- Overhaul of report form and its validation and report-passing logic
- Email building logic implemented
- New screens for email preview and email sent
- Fixed text alignment issues in pop-ups
- Minor changes to text and styles
- Fields from the evidence checklist and sub-checklists now incorporated into reports
Known issues introduced in 1.2.13
- (#16) Due to a bug in the stock mail app in iOS 14.6, emails we generate have annoying <BR> tags in them. This is difficult to address at our end. Solution is to upgrade to iOS 15 or use a different mail app. Feedback welcome if you encounter this unfortunate issue.
- (#24) Still trying to pin down inconsistent text sizes on some android phones (but not others). Please feed back if you see something like this screenshot.
- Fixed error that hid checklist and beyond on iOS
- (#2) Pop-ups for badger signs and a test pop-up for legislation
- Some form UI improvements (more to come)
- Help screen added
- Intro screen changes to image and text as requested
- Some text editing and wording fixes throughout
- Rationalised sett interference tree and video/photo screens (mostly behind the scenes, but has laid the groundwork for report-building upgrade in 1.2.8+)
Note on skipped versions
Some versions appear to be missing above because they were used for purely internal testing. It's usually not worth going through the steps of submitting a new version to Apple and Google for approval and getting all testers to upgrade until significant functionality has been added.
In all these cases, release notes are batched so when you read about what's changed in a version, that refers to the cumulative effect of changes since the last version that was available to download.
Release notes were not logged here before v1.2.7
Page last updated 21 November 2022