How to install and update Badger Watch

iPhone step 1:
install TestFlight

iPhone step 2:
install Badger Watch

Thank you for volunteering to test Badger Watch. When the app is fully ready for public use, it'll be possible to find in the App Store and Play Store, but for now, you'll need to follow these links on your phone.

How to install

iOS — all iPhones and similar devices from Apple

First you'll need to install an app called TestFlight, which is Apple's platform for testing apps not yet publicly listed in its App Store. You can find this by searching in the App Store on your iPhone, or by going to

Once you've installed TestFlight, you can install Badger Watch by going to on your iPhone.

Please ensure your phone is set to update its apps automatically, so you can stay with the latest version:

Android — nearly all other smartphones

Check back soon

How to update manually

screenshot showing the menu to get to About

Check your version by
choosing About in this menu

You can check your installed version against the notice on this project website. If an update is rolled out before there's been a chance to update this site, you might briefly find you have a more recent version than is listed there, but if you have an older one, please update.

Sometimes the latest version available for Android and iOS may be out of sync for a day or two, but version numbers run in parallel on the two systems and should always correspond to the same intended functionality. If something works on one system but not the other, they're on the same version number, and this isn't listed as a known issue, please report a bug!


Your phone is most likely to do its automatic updates when it's connected to Wi-Fi and is plugged in to charge.

If your phone hasn't updated the app automatically:


Check back soon

Page last updated 13 September 2024